Laser Cutting

Consistent, reliable, high-precision laser cutting

SPI fiber laser are an excellent choice for fine cutting of a wide variety of metals, ceramics and silicon materials.

Fine Cutting With SPI Fiber Lasers

  • Intricate parts, accurately cut: The precision of the SPI fiber laser beam allows fine processing of metals, ceramics and silicon materials. For example, kerf widths of 15µm (0.0007”) in stainless or mild steel of up to 3mm (1/8”) thick. The high intensity and Gaussian shape of the beam allow accurate cutting even of high-reflectivity and refractory high-melt point materials.
  • Improved piece parts: The ability to modulate the SPI fiber laser beam coupled to a position synchronisation system (PSO) reduces heat input, for smooth, accurate cutting even around curves and corners.
  • Low cost of ownership: SPI fiber lasers are highly efficient. They use less energy than a conventional laser and require very little maintenance (no lamps to replace or mirrors to clean).

Laser Micromachining

SPI lasers have found application in a very wide range of high precision micromachining applications including sintering, ablation, fine pitch soldering, trimming, direct metal deposition and many more.

Laser Micromachining

  • Versatile: The stable power output and superior beam shape of the SPI fiber laser ensure reliability of process and consistent, accurate results to very tight tolerances in a wide variety of micromachining applications. Traditionally difficult applications such as the welding of dissimilar melt-point metals or ablating thin paint layer surfaces, are easier with fiber lasers.
  • High productivity: The combination of stability, controllability and precision offered by SPI fiber lasers means improved process yields, faster production and reduced down time.
  • Low cost of ownership: SPI fiber lasers are highly efficient. They use less energy than a conventional laser and require very little maintenance (no lamps to replace or mirrors to clean).

SPI Laser Welding Systems produce strong, consistent, high quality welds at high speed

SPI fiber lasers offer clear productivity advantages over conventional YAG lasers for fine welding of a wide range of metals and plastics.

Fiber laser welding

  • High process yield: SPI fiber lasers provide a stable power output immediately from switch on, so there is no waste, even at the start of the process. In continuous wave mode, the power output is stable over time. In pulsed mode, the pulses are all identical from start to finish.
  • More functionality: SPI fiber lasers can be used for a wide range of fine pitch welding operations of metals and plastics including high aspect keyhole welding and fine spot welding. The parameter flexibility alters the creation of pulse shapes and pulse trains for special welding effects.
  • Faster throughput: SPI fibre lasers can be run in continuous wave (CW) mode, or pulsed mode to 100kHz. Nanosecond pulsed lasers are also available up to 500kHz, for dramatic improvements in processing speed.
  • Economical: SPI fiber lasers are used for welding ‘on demand’ with no need for warm-up, so energy consumption is reduced. SPI fiber lasers are up to ten times more efficient in power consumption that Nd YAG equivalents.
  • Reduced down or align time: SPI’s fiber laser is a sealed unit with no mirrors to clean, no lamps to change and no specialist knowledge required for routine support. Its very low maintenance requirement means maximum uptime, increased throughput and reduced operational costs.
  • Process-tolerant welding: SPI’s fiber laser has the depth of field to allow more process-tolerant welding where material thicknesses vary of the material is not held flat.
  • Robot mounting options: SPI’s fiber lasers have a very high beam quality that allows use across greater distances, facilitating robot mounting for welding into previously inaccessible areas of the piece part.